Elementary and Middle School Players
If you are a player, or a parent of a player, in either the Elementary School or Middle School Division, please register via the Elementary/Middle School Holiday Cup Form. We will be putting the teams together for these age groups this year in an attempt to make the teams more competitive and well rounded and hopefully eliminating the “Stacked Team” factor. It is our hope that this change will make these divisions more even and more fun for the players…and the parents cheering them on! If you have special requests for siblings and/or neighbor kids to be on the same team for easier carpooling, please let us know and we will make every effort to work with you. If you are a parent that would like to coach a team, we would love to have you!
High school Division
High school players can either put together their own teams or sign up as a free agent to be placed on a team. To register as a team, email juneausoccerrush@gmail.com to request a roster form. Looking to be placed on a team? Fill this form out.
All other Divisions
(League Apps Registration)
Online registration will be done by each teams captain or manager. If you are the captain/managers please click the Login/registration button on the top right.
How to register your team: (Must be a team manager or captain)
- Go to the Registration Section of the Holiday Cup Website
- Click Register button in content area – this will bring you to the league apps registration page
- Click Register again Choose “Team Captain” icon
- Create an account filling in all the necessary information
- Fill in the team information (Name, Division, Color)
- Go to the Dashboard (Top Right or right side column)
- Under Role/Team Click Manager or Add Players
- Click + Add More Players to your team (green box on top right)
- Add the player and fill in the necessary information: First and last name, email, gender, division.
How to add more players to your already registered team: (Must be a team manager or captain)
- Go to the Register section of the Holiday Cup Website
- Click Register button in content area and login with your previously created username and password
- Go to the Dashboard (Top Right or right side column)
- Under Role/Team Click Manager or Add Players Click + Add More Players to your team (green box on top right)
- Add the player and fill in the necessary information: First and last name, email, gender, division.
Already registered? Log In
Click here for the legacy form.